Empowered Music Studio


Please review the following guidelines...

In the event the studio has been exposed to Coronavirus/COVID-19, the studio will immediately revert to online lessons for at least 2 weeks.

Please note: Online lessons can be chosen as your preferred lesson option at any time. All group lessons (when more than 4 students in a group) will be held online until further notice. 

Please attend lessons online for at least 2 weeks when...

• Student or anyone in your family has symptoms of being sick or not feeling well. This includes, but not limited to coughing, sneezing, fever, chills, muscle pain, headache, shortness of breath, sore throat, loss of taste or smell.

• Anyone in the family has been exposed, suspected or diagnosed with COVID-19 (please let me know immediately). Please get cleared by a doctor when it is safe to resume in person.

• Traveled to a *high-risk area within 2 weeks.

• Attended a *high-risk social gathering within 2 weeks (i.e.: a party where social distancing and/or safety precautions weren’t applied)

If you attend lessons in person you are agreeing...

• Student and family are healthy with no symptoms.

• Nobody has been recently exposed, suspected or diagnosed with COVID-19.

• Have not traveled to a *high risk area or attended a high-risk social gathering outside your immediate (see above for example).

• You understand the risk of becoming exposed to COVID-19 and will not hold the studio/teacher liable in any way.

• Students should wait in the car until I waive them in. Please do not come to the door until you see me wave or text that they can come in. (I have to quickly sanitize surfaces after current students leave and the next students come in)

• Masks are required during city, county and state mandates. During a mandate if a student cannot wear a mask, please choose the online lesson option. When masks are not mandated by the city, county or state, mask is still required.

• Immediately sanitize hands upon arrival (hand sanitizer will be provided)

• Lessons will end a few minutes early for cleaning sanitization of anything touched between rotations. This will include hand sanitizing.

• Please make sure you have your child(ren) go to the bathroom before arriving to lessons. Bathroom use during lesson time will be limited to emergencies only.

Please note: Only students will be allowed inside during lessons. Parents/siblings should wait in the car. If students arrive to lessons with any symptoms or a temperature over 100.4, the in-person lesson will immediately be terminated. If the teacher gets sick, lessons will be given online or in case of extreme sickness we can reschedule.

Thank you for your cooperation in doing your part to help all of us stay healthy and safe.